Find a trusted partner to guide you through your tax issues.

We’ve seen it all and did the dirty work. Our conclusion? Tax relief does not come in a one-size-fits-all solution. Let us steer you in the right direction.

Savings passed to you.

Thousands of vetted professionals and companies.

0 +

Vetted tax Professionals & Companies

0 +

Combined Years in service

$ 0 M

Combined dollars resolved for tax payers

The Trusted tax

2-Step Process



We’ll ask you some questions to determine the type of tax issue you’re dealing with.



We’ll match you with the best tax professional or company that is most suitable for your situation.


Frequently Asked Questions.

When you work with Trusted Tax, you’re gaining access to a meticulously vetted network of the best tax professionals and companies that are tailored to meet your needs. We know that every person and their circumstances are unique, that’s why our two step approach begins with answering a set of carefully crafted questions that will help us better determine your financial situation.

Our rigorous vetting process ensures that only the most qualified and trustworthy experts are recommended, providing peace of mind and saving you valuable time. You can confidently take the guesswork out of choosing who to hire to help you get out of your tax debt and save hours of research with Trusted Tax.

We use a comprehensive set of criteria to make sure that the tax professionals and companies we recommend are the highest quality and capable of effectively resolving your tax debt issues. Our criteria include: d

Professional Qualifications: We verify that all tax professionals have the necessary certifications and licenses, such as CPAS (Certified Public Accountants), EAs (Enrolled Agents), or tax attorneys, to legally represent clients in tax matters.

Years of Experience: We prioritize professionals with extensive experience in handling tax debt cases. A proven track record over several years indicates that they have successfully navigated various tax situations and have developed the expertise needed to tackle complex issues.

Client Satisfaction: Customer feedback is crucial in our vetting process. We examine reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge satisfaction levels and identify any recurring issues. High client satisfaction rates are a strong indicator of reliable and effective service.

Success Rates: We look at the success rates of professionals in resolving tax debt. This includes metrics such as the percentage of cases settled favorably, the amount of tax debt reduced, and the effectiveness of negotiated settlements or payment plans. 

Trusted Tax requires some basic information about your financial situation to help us understand the nature of your tax problems. Please note that none of this information is unique to Trusted Tax, these same questions would be asked of you by any tax professional or company. 

Personal Information: As it appears on your tax documents. 

Tax Debt Details: The amount you owe, and type of tax debt (federal, state or both).

Number (if any) of unfiled Years: This helps us assess the complexity of your situation. 

Bankruptcy Information: Knowing if you are currently or recently discharged from an active bankruptcy helps us fine tune our search.

Yes, all professionals and companies we recommend are fully licensed and insured.

During the initial consultation, the tax professional will assess your situation, discuss potential solutions, and outline the steps needed to resolve your tax debt. Be prepared to provide more information at the time of the consultation to help the professional or company gain a full understanding of your tax debt.

Yes, most tax professionals will handle all communications with the IRS to ensure your case is managed efficiently and to reduce your stress.

Yes, it’s true that the IRS does accept phone calls from any tax payer, but you should be prepared to wait an average of 2 hours prior to being able to speak to an IRs representative. If you would like to call the IRS directly, we recommend that you visit your local IRS office or send them a letter. 

The professionals and companies we’ve vetted have direct access to IRS representatives. Working within our network will save you countless hours of unnecessary communication and document exchange between you and the IRS.

Ready to resolve your tax issue?

In just a few minutes you’ll be matched with a real professional with a proven track record.

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