Americans with $10,000+ back taxes may qualify for tax relief in as little as 15 minutes.
The IRS Fresh Start Program offers real relief to taxpayers who owe Ten Thousand or more in back taxes. In some cases, the IRS has forgiven 100% of back taxes owed, but Americans still struggle to take full advantage of the program due to complicated and ever-changing tax laws. Luckily, tax relief companies across the country continue to rise up to help fill the gaps.
When taxpayers fill out our Tax Relief Survey, they are able to see if they qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program and begin their journey toward tax resolution in minutes.
The IRS now has more flexibility when analyzing a taxpayer’s ability to pay back taxes. This makes the IRS Fresh Start Program available to a larger group of taxpayers. If you have been denied access to the program in the past, you may still qualify for relief today.
Thanks to a recent expansion of the Fresh Start Program, access to Installment Agreements and Offers in Compromise is now streamlined. An Offer in Compromise (OIC), allows taxpayers to settle their debt for less than the full amount.
Take this 60-Second Quiz to See if You Qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program.
Tax debt impacts countless Americans, yet many hesitate to seek IRS debt resolution. The hurdle isn’t a lack of resources but the daunting complexity of IRS procedures that discourage the average person.
Dealing with the IRS often feels like a daunting, full-time commitment, prompting individuals to seek the expertise of reputable tax relief firms for maximum relief.
A common oversight is not realizing eligibility for tax relief, simply because many have not checked their qualifications for such programs.
It’s important to note that checking your eligibility for the IRS Fresh Start Program is 100% FREE, and investing a few minutes could help you save THOUSANDS.
With every passing day, tax debt escalates due to accumulating penalties and fees. Taking immediate action and consulting with a tax relief specialist is crucial for securing the most favorable outcome.

Trusted Tax Relief is on a mission to help get rid of the confusion when it comes to hiring an honest tax professional. Find your perfect match today.